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How to Make Fake Blood At Home

How to Make Fake Blood At Home

Vampires? Zombies? Werewolves? It's either the end of the world as we know it, or it's Halloween, and nothing adds to the frightening thrill of Halloween like lots and lots of sticky and red realistic blood!

One life skill that’s particularly useful to possess this time of year is the ability to whip up a batch of fake blood at a moment’s notice. After all, fake blood is a Halloween staple. Even if you don't have time for a truly badass costume, a little fake blood can go a long way in turning your average getup into something really scary.

Of course, you can always buy your blood premade online or from a store. But where is the fun in that? It’s easy (and cool) to make your own. Plus, you probably already have all the ingredients at home that you need to make it, so it’s cheaper too.

There are as many ways to concoct it as there are to ooze it, ranging from edible blood made from everyday ingredients, to the chillingly realistic blood used in movies.

Note: This mix can get quite sticky and may stain clothes but is easily removed from skin with baby wipes or warm water. It tastes sweet, and looks real—–especially in front of a still camera.


Fake Blood Recipe

  • Water
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


  • Corn syrup (golden syrup)
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


  • Red, blue, and green food coloring
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


  • Flour, cornstarch, chocolate syrup, or maple syrup.
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


How to Make Fake Blood

1. Make the basic mix

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe

Combine one part water with three parts corn syrup (you can use golden syrup in the UK/Australia/New Zealand).


2. Add drops

Add drops red food coloring gradually and mix gently by stirring.

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe

Continue adding drops until the shade resembles that of real blood (always err on the side of adding less, as it's easier to add more).

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe

Add a small amount of blue or green food coloring to achieve a more realistic shade. (Arterial blood is bright red, while venous blood is a dark maroon).

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


3.Add a thickener

Suitable thickeners include:

Dry thickener. Add sifted flour or corn starch to your mixture, and whisk or stir it gently until smooth.
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe
 If small lumps form, wait about a minute and the lumps will float to the top where you can remove them easily. Note: you can also use glycerine instead.
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe
Wet thickener. Stir in thick chocolate syrup until the desired consistency (and optimal flavor) is reached.
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe
 Chocolate syrup adds a realistic deep maroon "venous" color to the blood.
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe
 You can also use pancake syrup to add a brown tone and make the blood a bit thicker and stickier. Don't use too much!
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe
How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


4. Adjust your mix.

If it is too pink or orange, add red.
Use blue cautiously Only add blue when you have at least put 3 teaspoons in and 1 drop of blue and you're confident it is still not dark enough and only add blue slowly

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe

If it seems to be too purple, you'll have to start again––unfortunately, you cannot fix it just by adding more red.

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe

If the mix is too transparent, add a little flour.

How to Make Fake Blood At Home fake blood recipe


5.Let the mixture sit for ten minutes in a warm environment

This will give it some time to thicken and coagulate. And then you can freak people out with the fake blood—–it's a lot of fun! Note: This recipe yields blood that is very sticky initially. It is good for uses that involve children and possible ingestion, as it's not toxic.


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