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10 Strength Training Exercises You Can Do With A Workout Bench
3. Home Gym Workout

10 Strength Training Exercises You Can Do With A Workout Bench

A high-quality home workout bench supports exercises that boost muscle size, strength, and endurance. It can help you get a better strength training workout at home and train your full-body muscles...

4. Home Gym EquipmentA Guide to Slam Ball

A Guide to Slam Ball

Don't know what a slam ball is? No worry. Here is a guide to slam ball. Learn about what it is, its benefits and some of the best slam ball exercises.

4. Home Gym EquipmentWhat is an EZ curl bar?

What is an EZ curl bar?

An EZ curl bar is a zig-zag shaped bar mainly designed for biceps and triceps, versus an Olympic straight bar is designed for all sorts of weight lifting and cross training exercises. The main con...

3. Home Gym WorkoutHow to Do Dips Workout

How to Do Dips Workout

Why is Dips Workout Popular? Dips workout is the King of upper body training. Considered by many as a tricep exercise, dips workout is a complex, compound movement that engages virtually all of the...

4. Home Gym EquipmentChoosing a Barbell for Strength Training Program

Types of Weightlifting Bars You Should Know

When it comes to strength training, the weightlifting bar is your best friend. As strength training becomes more popular, some home gym owners begin to stock their facilities with specialized equip...

3. Home Gym Workout6 MUST-DO Box Jump Workouts to Build Strength

6 MUST-DO Box Jump Workouts to Build Strength

A box jump workout has a lot of benefits without a lot of equipment. All you need is a stable box, your own body weight, and a few tips on how to do it correctly. It’s possible to start a programme...

3. Home Gym Workout6 Lower-Body Body Bar Exercises Strengthen Your Glutes

6 Lower-Body Body Bar Exercises to Build Glutes

Of course, if you're trying to do glutes exercises with weights, there are many kinds of equipment you can use, such as kettlebells and dumbbells. However, when it comes to building strength in an ...