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6 Aerobic Step Platform Exercises to Burn Fat and Get Toned
3. Home Gym Workout

6 Aerobic Step Platform Exercises to Burn Fat and Get Toned

Here are aerobic step platform exercises that you can do at home, targeting your legs, upper body, and core, building strength, losing weight and increase flexibility. Step platforms are actually s...

3. Home Gym WorkoutAb Roller Exercises that Strengthen Your Core

Ab Roller Exercises that Strengthen Your Core

The general public has actually long recognized the endurance of the ab musculature is an essential component of fitness for health and sports performance. Traditionally, people have performed ab e...

3. Home Gym WorkoutBench Shoulder Exercises You Can Do

Bench Shoulder Exercises You Can Do

Ever find your shoulders aching and paining after rearranging furniture or lifting boxes? Or you constantly find yourself sit in a forward hunched position and create an overly dominant frontside o...

3. Home Gym Workout5 Upper Body Exercises To Try On A Balance Ball Trainer

5 Upper Body Exercises To Try On A Balance Ball Trainer

A balance ball trainer helps you coordinate muscles and nerves to balance on the type of unstable surface you can easily encounter in real life. Why do the upper body exercises on a balance ball tr...

3. Home Gym Workout4 Exercises to Help You Improve Balance

4 Exercises to Help You Improve Balance

Your muscles broadly fit into two categories: stabilizing muscles and movement muscles. As the name suggested, stabilizing muscles stabilize your body while movement muscles move your body. Stabili...

3. Home Gym Workout8 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do At Home

8 Resistance Band Exercises You Can Do At Home

Resistance training is any exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance, the external resistance could be dumbbells, rubber bands, or your own body-weight. Resistance...

4. Home Gym EquipmentRitFit Foldable Weight Bench AWB-800 Q&A

RitFit Foldable Weight Bench AWB-800 Q&A

If you have any installation question about RitFit Foldable Weight Bench AWB-800, you can find the answer here. Especially questions about adjustable bench seat , spring-loaded mode and the adjusta...